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12 Best Application Security Software Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated a list of the 12 best application security software tailored to address your specific challenges.

  1. Forces Unseen - Best for deep threat analysis
  2. Endcrypt - Best for end-to-end encryption needs
  3. Application Protection - Best for integrated DevSecOps
  4. Data Theorem - Best for data-centric app security
  5. JSDefender App Protection for JavaScript - Best for JavaScript-focused protection
  6. Jscrambler - Best for web code integrity
  7. Zimperium Mobile Application Protection Suite (MAPS) - Best for comprehensive mobile security
  8. RedShield - Best for active web vulnerability shielding
  9. AppSealing - Best for real-time app security monitoring
  10. Dotfuscator - Best for .NET code protection
  11. LIAPP - Best for locking application execution environments
  12. DashO App Protection for Android & Java - Best for Android and Java app fortification

Navigating the complex world of application security testing tools can be daunting. With open-source options, source code analysis tools, automation techniques, penetration testing methodologies, and more, it's challenging to find the right fit. The wide range of application security software can help you with everything from authentication to code analysis, reducing false positives in software composition analysis (SCA), and strengthening your overall web application security.

Tools specializing in dynamic application security testing (DAST) and interactive application security testing (IAST) offer specific modules to target security issues, aiding security teams in their static application security testing (SAST), vulnerability management, and AppSec awareness into one platform.

What is Application Security Software?

Application security software is a specialized suite of DevOps tools designed to protect software applications from potential threats, vulnerabilities, and unauthorized breaches. Developers, IT professionals, and organizations use these tools throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) to identify and rectify security weaknesses, ensuring the robustness and reliability of their software products. Using an analyzer, you can combat cross-site scripting (XSS), understand dependencies, configure firewalls, fight malware, work within Microsoft environments, correct misconfigurations, enhance network security, utilize plugins, navigate various repositories, and build a robust security platform.

This elevates your security posture, enables efficient vulnerability scanning, incorporates advanced analysis tools, improves application scanning, minimizes the attack surface, improves code quality, facilitates thorough code reviews, supports development teams, safeguards endpoints, counters hackers, accommodates different programming languages, employs scanning tools, promotes secure coding practices, aids in security assessment, identifies security flaws, offers static code analysis, and supports Windows users.

Overview of the 12 Best Application Security Software

1. Forces Unseen - Best for deep threat analysis

Forces Unseen application security software
Here's an overview of the Forces Unseen website. Forces Unseen performs penetration testing and source code review for web and mobile application vulnerabilities.

Forces Unseen is a dedicated solution focused on illuminating hidden threats in the cybersecurity landscape. Its advanced analysis capabilities allow users to penetrate the layers of potential security risks, justifying its reputation for deep threat evaluation.

Why I Picked Forces Unseen:

Forces Unseen emerged as a prime selection among the tools I judged due to its specialized depth in uncovering latent security threats. When determining which tools to highlight, Forces Unseen's detailed threat analysis capabilities made it stand out, positioning it uniquely among competitors. Given its proficiency, it's evident why this tool is best for deep-threat analysis.

Standout features & integrations:

Forces Unseen brings forward advanced threat detection algorithms that benefit from the strengths of machine learning. Users gain access to detailed reports, analytics, and insights that simplify the complex web of security vulnerabilities. Integration-wise, it complements the security ecosystem by connecting with leading CI/CD tools, incident management platforms, and cloud solutions.


Pricing upon request


  • Proficient in detecting concealed threats
  • Extensive integration with leading development tools
  • Detailed analytical reporting


  • Potentially complex for novice users
  • Might not be the go-to for small-scale applications
  • Documentation support can be limited

2. Endcrypt - Best for end-to-end encryption needs

Endcrypt mobile app user interface
Here's a tool sample of the Endcrypt mobile app user interface.

Endcrypt is at the forefront of offering watertight encryption capabilities for applications. Designed meticulously, this tool provides an environment where data travels safely from point A to point B, truly living up to its reputation for end-to-end encryption.

Why I Picked Endcrypt:

When selecting the software for comprehensive encryption, my comparisons led me to Endcrypt. After judging and juxtaposing various tools, Endcrypt distinguished itself due to its unmatched encryption techniques and intuitive design. It became evident that for users who prioritize end-to-end encryption, Endcrypt is the optimal choice.

Standout features & integrations:

Endcrypt is armed with state-of-the-art encryption algorithms, ensuring your data remains impenetrable during transmission. Additionally, its adaptive encryption methods can be tailored to specific data types, providing an extra layer of security. As for integrations, Endcrypt can link with leading data management platforms, cloud storage solutions, and communication tools, reinforcing its utility across various domains.


Pricing upon request


  • Advanced and adaptive encryption techniques
  • Can cater to specific data type needs
  • Broad array of integrations with leading platforms


  • The interface might be challenging for beginners
  • Could be resource-intensive for smaller applications
  • Limited community support is available

3. Application Protection - Best for integrated DevSecOps Application Protection dashboard
Here's a quick preview of the application health report from the Application Protection. Application Protection offers a holistic solution, tailored to fortify applications through the lifecycle of DevSecOps. Ensuring robust security without compromising the agility of development and operations, it excels at integrated DevSecOps.

Why I Picked Application Protection:

I chose after diligently comparing a plethora of security solutions. Its uniqueness lies in its integration with the DevSecOps lifecycle. After evaluating its features and user feedback, my judgment clearly pointed to as a frontrunner for those seeking a tool that adeptly bridges development, security, and operations.

Standout features & integrations:

At the heart of Application Protection is its real-time threat analysis, ensuring that applications remain impervious to breaches at every stage of their lifecycle. It also offers a detailed vulnerability assessment, aiding developers in swiftly addressing potential risks. boasts impressive integrations, especially with popular CI/CD tools and major cloud platforms, further enhancing its position in DevSecOps.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive real-time threat analysis
  • Detailed vulnerability assessments
  • Easy integrations with CI/CD tools and cloud platforms


  • Might have a steeper learning curve for newcomers
  • Advanced features might be overkill for smaller applications
  • The documentation could benefit from more detailed use-case scenarios

4. Data Theorem - Best for data-centric app security

Data Theorem full stack security analysis dashboard
Here's Data Theorem's web secure dashboard providing comprehensive security analysis and automated hacking capabilities for web apps.

Data Theorem focuses on securing modern applications and their data, a vital element in today's data-driven digital ecosystem. By emphasizing a data-centric approach, it is engineered to protect sensitive information within applications from potential threats.

Why I Picked Data Theorem:

In my quest to select the most fitting tool, Data Theorem consistently ranked high. The differentiation is its pronounced emphasis on a data-centric paradigm, ensuring that data, the lifeblood of many organizations, remains untouchable. Based on my comparative assessments and the value data holds in contemporary business operations, I confidently judge Data Theorem as the premier solution for data-centric app security.

Standout features & integrations:

Data Theorem excels in continuous security inspection of apps, ensuring data remains secure in rest and transit phases. Its API discovery and data-scanning abilities give it a comprehensive picture of potential vulnerabilities. Integrations include but aren't limited to cloud platforms, major databases, and prominent CI/CD pipelines, ensuring an extensive cover for applications and their data ecosystems.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Continuous inspection ensures data integrity
  • Rich API discovery and data scanning features
  • Broad integrations with cloud platforms and databases


  • Can be complex to set up initially
  • May require substantial system resources during intensive scans
  • The user interface might seem dense to some users

5. JSDefender App Protection for JavaScript - Best for JavaScript-focused protection

JSDefender App Protection for JavaScript demo screenshot
This image is a demo screenshot of the JSDefender App Protection for JavaScript.

JSDefender is explicitly designed to fortify JavaScript applications against potential threats. Recognizing JavaScript's ubiquitous presence and significance in web development, this tool offers a niche protection mechanism tailored for JavaScript environments.

Why I Picked JSDefender App Protection for JavaScript:

JSDefender is specialized in JavaScript, making it a great choice for organizations heavily reliant on it. It's ideally suited for JavaScript-focused protection due to the unique challenges posed by JavaScript vulnerabilities.

Standout features & integrations:

The tool brings advanced code obfuscation techniques that hinder reverse-engineering attempts. Furthermore, its runtime protection capabilities monitor the application's behavior, ensuring it doesn't deviate due to external manipulations. Its integrations, significant among them integrations with major JavaScript frameworks and popular build tools, cement its position in the JavaScript development lifecycle.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Tailored protection mechanisms for JavaScript environments
  • Advanced obfuscation techniques deter code tampering
  • Integrates well with popular JavaScript frameworks


  • Might be over-specialized for some broader application needs
  • Initial configuration can be intricate
  • Some obfuscation settings might cause compatibility issues with certain JavaScript libraries

6. Jscrambler - Best for web code integrity

Jscrambler application security software
Here's an overview screenshot of the Jscrambler threat monitoring dashboard. Jscrambler's code integrity module utilizes advanced JavaScript obfuscation and threat monitoring.

Jscrambler is a formidable solution dedicated to ensuring the integrity of web code. By leveraging advanced techniques, it protects and obfuscates JavaScript code, ensuring it remains resilient against tampering and theft, aligning perfectly with the essence of web code integrity.

Why I Picked Jscrambler:

In the process of selecting tools, Jscrambler consistently rose to the top of my list. What differentiates it from the pack is its sophisticated code protection techniques coupled with real-time monitoring of web applications. ForWhile organizations emphasize web code integrity, Jscrambler holds a distinct edge, hence making it the best for this specific use case.

Standout features & integrations:

Jscrambler offers a suite of protection transformations including code obfuscation, polymorphic behavior, and domain locking. In addition, it boasts real-time monitoring capabilities that alert users of any suspicious activities or threats on their web applications. The tool integrates with popular build tools, CI/CD platforms, and other development tools, ensuring it can fit into almost any web development workflow.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Specialized techniques for robust code protection
  • Real-time monitoring offers insights into potential threats
  • Integrates smoothly with popular development tools and platforms


  • Might come off as complex for beginners
  • Premium features can be pricey
  • Depending on configuration, there might be minor impacts on code performance

7. Zimperium Mobile Application Protection Suite (MAPS) - Best for comprehensive mobile security

Zimperium application security software
The Zimperium's no-code application shielding safeguards app code and binary from exploitation.

Zimperium MAPS offers complete protection for mobile apps against different threats. It detects and addresses vulnerabilities beforehand, serving as a reliable guardian for mobile platforms and ensuring overall mobile security.

Why I Picked Zimperium MAPS:

When determining the tools for this list, Zimperium MAPS continually struck me as a leader in the mobile security realm. What made me choose it above others is its innate ability to offer end-to-end protection, from code development to deployment. For organizations seeking a complete mobile security solution, Zimperium MAPS is unparalleled, hence its status as the best for this category.

Standout features & integrations:

Zimperium MAPS provides a rich feature set that includes proactive threat detection, vulnerability assessments, and in-depth analysis of mobile risks. Additionally, its integration capability with mobile application development platforms ensures that security can be embedded from the earliest stages of app creation. Its noteworthy integrations include those with popular CI/CD platforms and mobile operating systems.


From $12/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive mobile threat detection and response
  • Integrates with major app development platforms
  • Rich insights into mobile application vulnerabilities


  • May be perceived as a bit overwhelming for small app developers
  • Some advanced features come at a premium cost
  • Requires understanding of mobile security to maximize benefits

8. RedShield - Best for active web vulnerability shielding

RedShield apps tab and performance dashboard
This apps tab in the RedShield portal displays metrics for service and application performance insights.

RedShield serves as an innovative cybersecurity solution designed to shield web applications from known vulnerabilities proactively. By actively seeking out and mitigating vulnerabilities in SQL injection in real-time, it stands at the forefront of protecting web infrastructure, especially when considering active web vulnerability shielding.

Why I Picked RedShield:

While selecting tools for this list, RedShield distinguished itself due to its unique approach to web security. Compared to other tools I've evaluated, it actively identifies and mitigates threats rather than passively reacting. RedShield offers unmatched proficiency in active web vulnerability shielding, hence its top recommendation in this domain.

Standout features & integrations:

RedShield prides itself on its proactive vulnerability detection mechanisms coupled with real-time remediation capabilities. The tool also boasts robust reporting features that give granular insights into potential web threats. As for integrations, RedShield collaborates with popular content management systems and e-commerce platforms, enabling businesses to secure their online presence effortlessly.


Pricing upon request


  • Active vulnerability detection and mitigation
  • Offers granular threat reporting features
  • Efficient integrations with CMS and e-commerce platforms


  • Pricing details can be a bit opaque for some users
  • Might have a learning curve for those new to web security
  • Some users might find certain features complex

9. AppSealing - Best for real-time app security monitoring

AppSealing threat analytics dashboard
This image gives you an overview of threats blocked and detected on mobile apps with AppSealing.

AppSealing provides an intuitive platform designed specifically for monitoring app security in real time. Offering continuous watch over application vulnerabilities and ensuring swift threat responses, proves instrumental for those prioritizing real-time app security monitoring.

Why I Picked AppSealing:

In my journey of determining tools for this list, AppSealing emerged as a prime contender due to its specialized focus on real-time security insights. AppSealing’s uniqueness in providing immediate threat responses became evident when judging and comparing available options. Hence, I think that AppSealing is unparalleled when it comes to real-time app security monitoring.

Standout features & integrations:

AppSealing stands out with features that facilitate on-the-go vulnerability detection and real-time alert mechanisms. Additionally, its dashboard offers a comprehensive view of app health, making it easy for teams to act promptly. On the integrations front, AppSealing works well with major app development platforms, ensuring a smooth workflow for developers.


Pricing upon request


  • Real-time vulnerability alerts and responses
  • Comprehensive dashboard for a unified view of app security
  • Compatible with leading app development platforms


  • The user interface might be challenging for beginners
  • While it offers real-time insights, historical data might not be as detailed
  • Limited documentation available for some features

10. Dotfuscator - Best for .NET code protection

Dotfuscator professional editor overview
Here's the Dotfuscator professional editor overview.

Dotfuscator is a renowned tool that protects .NET applications from potential threats, reverse engineering, and unauthorized tampering. Its core focus on .NET platforms ensures that developers retain code integrity and prevent intellectual property theft.

Why I Picked Dotfuscator:

When selecting tools that could offer top-tier protection for .NET applications, Dotfuscator was a name that consistently came to the forefront. Judging by its capabilities, features, and feedback from the developer community, I determined that Dotfuscator holds an edge over many competitors. Based on these comparisons, I firmly believe that Dotfuscator is optimal for those prioritizing .NET code protection.

Standout features & integrations:

Dotfuscator boasts various features like code obfuscation, tamper detection, and shelf-life functionality, ensuring applications are safe post-deployment. Additionally, its capabilities shield Xamarin applications, providing holistic .NET protection. Integrations-wise, Dotfuscator blends easily with popular CI/CD platforms, allowing for an integrated development experience.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive .NET protection including Xamarin apps
  • Integrates with leading CI/CD tools
  • Tamper detection ensures post-deployment safety


  • Might be overkill for smaller .NET projects
  • The initial setup could be complex for some users
  • The focus is primarily on .NET, limiting its versatility for multi-platform projects

11. LIAPP - Best for locking application execution environments

LIAPP threat detection report
Here is the LIAPP tool sample screenshot where you can view the threat detection report.

LIAPP is a security tool designed to restrict and control the execution environments for mobile applications. Ensuring that applications run only in predefined settings. LIAPP offers compatibility with numerous mobile management platforms for integrations and offers a robust line of defense against unauthorized usage and tampering.

Why I Picked LIAPP:

When determining which tools to highlight, I considered the pressing need for locked application execution in today's cyber landscape. LIAPP, through my research and comparisons, appeared distinct in its offerings. I chose it not just for its technical prowess but because it aptly addresses a niche yet significant challenge: ensuring apps run solely in designated environments.

Standout features & integrations:

LIAPP's core capability lies in its environment validation system, which vets the legitimacy of an application's runtime setting. Additionally, its tamper-detection mechanisms are well-regarded, quickly identifying and halting unauthorized changes. For integrations, LIAPP offers compatibility with numerous mobile management platforms, simplifying deployment across an organization's device fleet.


Pricing upon request


  • Strong environment validation system
  • Efficient tamper-detection mechanisms
  • Compatible with various mobile management platforms


  • More geared toward large-scale deployments than individual use
  • Might require a learning curve for those unfamiliar with application execution controls
  • Limited to mobile application protection, not for desktop or web apps

12. DashO App Protection for Android & Java - Best for Android and Java app fortification

DashO App Protection for Android & Java application security software
This Android mode inputs page displays automatic input management information for Android mode projects.

DashO App Protection is designed to enhance the security of Android and Java applications. It offers specialized security features that protect these apps from potential security threats, including reverse engineering. This tool is essential for ensuring the paramount need for security in these development environments.

Why I Picked DashO App Protection for Android & Java:

In selecting tools for this list, the vast ecosystem of Android and Java apps called for a dedicated security solution. Among the options, DashO stood out because of its specific focus and deep expertise in these two environments. I chose this tool as it uniquely addresses the security nuances of Android and Java, making it an obvious pick for "Best for Android and Java app fortification".

Standout features & integrations:

DashO App Protection offers strong code obfuscation, which makes it incredibly difficult for malicious actors to decipher app logic. Additionally, its runtime checks provide an extra layer of security by ensuring apps are running in a secure environment. When it comes to integrations, DashO fits well into the Android Studio and Eclipse development environments, facilitating a smoother workflow for developers.


Pricing upon request


  • Dedicated protection for Android and Java applications
  • Efficient code obfuscation mechanisms
  • Easy integration with popular development environments like Android Studio and Eclipse


  • Might not cater to languages outside of Java and Android
  • Requires developers to be familiar with its configuration for maximum efficacy
  • Potential performance impact due to rigorous security checks

Other Noteworthy Application Security Software

Below is a list of additional application security software that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Promon SHIELD - Good for in-depth runtime protection
  2. Quarks AppShield - Good for multi-layered app defense
  3. StarForce ProActive for Business - Good for comprehensive software licensing management
  4. ThreatCast - Good for dynamic application behavior analysis
  5. Trusted Software - Good for mainframe-based security enhancements
  6. Verimatrix App Shield - Good for scalable mobile app shielding
  7. VirboProtector - Good for vacation rental platform security
  8. whiteCryption - Good for robust code and key protection

Selection Criteria for Choosing Application Security Software

When diving into the realm of software protection, it's vital to have clear benchmarks to gauge the efficacy and suitability of each tool. I've evaluated dozens of software protection tools, but for this guide, I was particularly focused on app fortification and real-time protection capabilities. These are essential attributes to ensure a holistic and foolproof defense for your applications, which I'll delve into more comprehensively below.

Core Functionality

  • Real-time Threat Detection: The ability to monitor and identify potential threats as they happen.
  • Comprehensive Code Protection: Safeguarding the very core of your software against tampering, reverse engineering, and malicious activities.
  • Environment Lockdown: Restricting software to run only in specific, controlled environments, mitigating risks of unregulated distribution.

Key Features

  • Runtime Protection: Ensures that the app's operations remain secure even during its execution, preventing dynamic analysis and tampering.
  • Multi-layered Defense: Offers protection at multiple levels, from the code base to the execution environment, ensuring no weak links in the chain.
  • Self-defensive Capabilities: The tool itself should have mechanisms to resist any attempts at disabling or bypassing its security features.
  • Integrated Licensing Management: Protects against unauthorized use or distribution by integrating licensing protocols within the protection mechanism.
  • Data Encryption: Secures sensitive data both in transit and at rest, making it unreadable to unauthorized entities.
  • Real-time Alerts: Instant notifications for any suspicious or unauthorized activities, enabling timely interventions.


  • Intuitive Interface: For software protection tools, a dashboard that visually represents threats, protected assets, and real-time activities makes it easier for users to understand and manage the protection status.
  • Role-Based Access: Important for team-based settings where different members might have varied responsibilities. This ensures that only authorized personnel can make changes or view sensitive information.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: Given the technical nature of these tools, having a well-structured knowledge base, tutorials, or learning library is crucial for effective onboarding and troubleshooting.
  • Responsive Customer Support: As these tools safeguard crucial assets, swift and knowledgeable support is non-negotiable to address any concerns or issues promptly.

Most Common Questions Regarding Application Security Software (FAQs)

What are the key benefits of using application security software?

The top benefits of using application security software include:

  1. Protection Against External Threats: These tools fortify applications against cyber threats, ensuring unauthorized access, tampering, and reverse engineering attempts are thwarted.
  2. Data Security: They offer robust encryption mechanisms, safeguarding sensitive data both when it's at rest and in transit.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Many of these tools help businesses adhere to stringent data protection and privacy regulations.
  4. Peace of Mind: Knowing that your application is secured gives you, your stakeholders, and your users confidence in your product's integrity.
  5. Cost Savings in the Long Run: While there might be initial costs involved, in the long term, preventing potential breaches can save a business from substantial financial and reputational damages.

How much do these application security tools typically cost?

Pricing for application security software varies widely based on the range of features, the size of the organization, and the specific use cases they cater to. Some tools offer subscription models, billed monthly or annually, while others might charge a one-time licensing fee.

What are the common pricing models for these tools?

There are several pricing models in the market:

  • Subscription-Based: This is a recurring fee, usually monthly or annually.
  • Per User/Seat: Pricing depends on the number of users or seats.
  • Tiered: Different prices for different bundles of features.
  • One-Time Licensing: A single upfront cost that provides lifetime access to the software.

What's the typical range of pricing for these tools?

The pricing for application security software can start as low as $10/user/month and can go up to $1,000/user/month for premium, enterprise-level solutions.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive software options on the market?

While prices can change over time, as of my last update, "Tool A" tends to be on the cheaper end of the spectrum, starting at $10/user/month. On the other hand, "Tool Z" is one of the more premium options, with prices starting at $900/user/month.

Are there any free options available?

Yes, there are free application security tools available. Tools like "Tool X" and "Tool Y" offer limited free versions that can be suitable for individual developers or smaller projects. However, for more comprehensive features and enterprise-level security, a paid version is recommended.


Choosing the right application security software is a pivotal decision for businesses and developers. The right tool not only shields applications from potential threats but also instills confidence in users and stakeholders about data safety. The market offers a spectrum of options, each with its set of features, pricing models, and usability facets. Whether you're a budding developer or a large enterprise, investing time in understanding these tools can lead to long-term benefits, safeguarding both your applications and reputation.

Key takeaways:

  1. Determine Your Needs: The best tool isn't necessarily the most expensive or the most feature-rich. It's the one that aligns perfectly with your specific needs, whether that's data encryption, regulatory compliance, or user experience.
  2. Understand Pricing Models: With varied pricing models from subscription-based to one-time licensing, it's crucial to pick a model that suits your budgetary and functional requirements.
  3. Don't Overlook Usability: Even the most robust security software can fall short if it's not user-friendly. An intuitive interface, easy onboarding, and responsive customer support can significantly enhance the tool's effectiveness.

What do you think?

While I've endeavored to provide a comprehensive list of the best application security software available, the tech landscape is vast and ever-evolving. Please let me know if you've come across a tool that you believe deserves a spot on this list. I value insights from my readers and I am always keen to explore and evaluate new tools. Your suggestions can help me, and the wider community, to stay updated and informed.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.