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12 Best Security Risk Assessment Tools Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated the 12 best security risk assessment tools tailored to address your pressing challenges.

  1. Riskonnect - Best for comprehensive risk management integration
  2. ProcessUnity - Best for process-driven cybersecurity risk analysis
  3. Cybereason - Best for focused cyber posture assessments
  4. LogicGate - Best for IT-specific risk management
  5. Tenable Vulnerability Management - Best for vulnerability detection and response
  6. Archer - Best for IT security and integrated risk management
  7. MetricStream - Best for CyberGRC governance and analytics
  8. Qualys VMDR - Best for dynamic vulnerability management
  9. FAIR Risk Management - Best for quantitative risk analysis methods
  10. Connectwise - Best for security management and tailored assessments
  11. IBM Security Guardium Data Risk Manager - Best for data-centric risk management
  12. IBM OpenPages - Best for operational risk and compliance management

In the face of increasing cyberattacks, I've delved deep into cybersecurity risk assessment tools that fortify IT infrastructure. With threats like hackers aiming for unauthorized access, malware infiltrations, and potential data breaches, especially in sectors like healthcare, these tools offer a structured questionnaire for stakeholders, aiding decision-makers in establishing security controls aligned with the NIST cybersecurity framework. The overarching benefit? A fortified risk management strategy, diminishing your risk level and thwarting cybercriminals.

What is a Security Risk Assessment Tool?

A security risk assessment tool is a software solution designed to identify, evaluate, and prioritize potential vulnerabilities in a system or network. Typically used by cybersecurity professionals, IT managers, and organizations keen on bolstering their digital defenses, these tools assess the likelihood and impact of security threats. The tool is compliant with HIPAA’s administrative, physical, and technical safeguards.

These tools streamline the risk assessment process, allowing security teams to conduct a meticulous vulnerability assessment, utilize templates, engage in informative webinars, and generate comprehensive assessment reports, all tailored to safeguard information systems. Doing so helps inform decisions on which risks to mitigate, accept, or transfer, providing a foundation for developing effective security protocols and ensuring the protection of sensitive data and assets.

Overview of the 12 Best Security Risk Assessment Tools

1. Riskonnect - Best for comprehensive risk management integration

Riskonnect risk express interface
Here's an overview of the Riskonnect risk express interface.

Riskonnect provides organizations with an integrated platform to understand, manage, and mitigate risks. This tool combines disparate risk functions into a unified system, ensuring comprehensive risk management integration, just as the 'best for' statement suggests.

Why I Picked Riskonnect:

Riskonnect stood out for its comprehensive approach to risk management. Its unified platform offers a complete view of an organization's risks and consolidates various risk functions, making it the ideal choice for integrating a cohesive risk strategy.

Standout features & integrations:

Riskonnect's core strength lies in its features like claims, safety, and enterprise risk management. The centralized dashboard offers clear visibility into an organization's risk landscape, aiding in informed decision-making. On the integration front, Riskonnect connects with a variety of third-party applications, expanding its capability and fostering a cohesive risk management environment.


Pricing upon request


  • Centralized risk management dashboard
  • Comprehensive suite of risk management tools
  • Integrates with multiple third-party applications


  • Non-transparent pricing model
  • Might be complex for those new to risk management
  • Potential limitations in customization options

2. ProcessUnity - Best for process-driven cybersecurity risk analysis

ProcessUnity executive dashboard
A quick view of the ProcessUnity executive dashboard which provides board-level cybersecurity program evaluations.

ProcessUnity offers organizations a structured way to handle cybersecurity risks by focusing on established processes. The emphasis on process-driven risk analysis ensures that vulnerabilities are identified and tackled systematically, mirroring its designation as the best for such an approach.

Why I Picked ProcessUnity:

Among the numerous tools I evaluated, ProcessUnity distinguished itself through its systematic and process-driven approach to cybersecurity risks. I chose it for its consistent workflow emphasis workflows, streamlining the complex risk management task. Given its focus on systematic risk analysis, I've determined that ProcessUnity is the best for organizations seeking a process-centric methodology to address cybersecurity threats.

Standout features & integrations:

ProcessUnity has dynamic risk registries and automated assessments, ensuring a continual risk evaluation loop. Its dashboard provides an intuitive interface, allowing users to navigate risk metrics and derive actionable insights effortlessly. As for integrations, ProcessUnity syncs with a range of third-party risk intelligence providers, enriching its native data with external threat landscapes.


Pricing upon request


  • Dynamic risk registries for continuous assessment
  • Intuitive dashboard for clear risk visualization
  • Integrates efficiently with third-party risk intelligence sources


  • Pricing information not readily available
  • Might require some training for optimal utilization
  • Limited inbuilt threat intelligence data compared to some competitors

3. Cybereason - Best for focused cyber posture assessments

Cybereason security risk assessment tool
Here is the discovery board from the Cybereason platform. It efficiently determines threat intelligence sources for quick, precise responses.

Cybereason offers robust cyber posture assessments, ensuring organizations have a clear view of their cyber health. Its razor-sharp focus on posture evaluation aligns with its reputation as the go-to solution for a concentrated assessment of cybersecurity standing.

Why I Picked Cybereason:

Of all the tools I scrutinized, Cybereason particularly caught my eye for its distinct emphasis on cyber posture assessments. I selected it because of its adeptness at pinpointing vulnerabilities and providing actionable insights. The precision and depth of its estimates make me confident that Cybereason is undoubtedly the best choice for organizations prioritizing cyber posture evaluations.

Standout features & integrations:

Cybereason brings to the table advanced threat-hunting capabilities and root-cause analysis features. These allow organizations to delve deep into potential threats and understand their origin. Integration-wise, Cybereason synchronizes smoothly with major SIEM solutions, enhancing its threat detection and response capacities with external data sources.


Pricing upon request


  • Advanced threat-hunting capabilities
  • Comprehensive root-cause analysis
  • Efficient integration with major SIEM solutions


  • Pricing structure isn't transparent
  • Might be over-specialized for some organizations
  • Requires experienced professionals for best utilization

4. LogicGate - Best for IT-specific risk management

LogicGate dashboard insight
This image is the LogicGate dashboard insight where the cyber risk residual heatmap and risk analysis can be viewed.

LogicGate provides a platform designed to streamline IT-related risk management activities. Its specialized focus gives organizations the tools they need to identify, evaluate, and prioritize IT risks efficiently.

Why I Picked LogicGate:

I chose LogicGate after meticulous comparison with other tools because of its tailored approach to IT risk management. In a landscape of more generalized solutions, LogicGate stands apart with features honed for the unique challenges IT departments face. Its ability to handle IT-specific vulnerabilities, threats, and compliance checks convinced me of its status as the premier choice for IT-focused risk management.

Standout features & integrations:

LogicGate boasts workflow automation for risk mitigation and integrated IT compliance frameworks, offering a bird‘s-eye view of IT risk landscapes. It integrates with popular ITSM solutions, enhancing its capabilities by ingesting data for a richer risk assessment.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored for IT risk management
  • Workflow automation for risk mitigation
  • Incorporation of IT compliance frameworks


  • Might not be suitable for non-IT risk assessments
  • Requires some learning curve for new users
  • Pricing information isn't readily available

5. Tenable Vulnerability Management - Best for vulnerability detection and response

Tenable Vulnerability Management report sample
Here's a sample report from Tenable Vulnerability Management. It offers comprehensive, real-time organization vulnerability assessment.

Tenable Vulnerability Management is a robust tool designed to detect and respond to an organization's infrastructure vulnerabilities. By combining accurate detection capabilities with swift response mechanisms, the tool aims to bolster organizations’ cyber defenses.

Why I Picked Tenable Vulnerability Management:

I selected Tenable after an extensive evaluation of similar products in the market. Its proficiency in detecting even the most elusive vulnerabilities and facilitating rapid responses distinguished it from the rest. In vulnerability management, the platform's prowess in detection and response operations makes it the best fit for organizations that need to act swiftly on vulnerabilities.

Standout features & integrations:

Tenable is renowned for its advanced vulnerability scanning technology, ensuring thorough coverage of an organization's assets. Additionally, its real-time monitoring capabilities give it an edge when it comes to tracking evolving threats. The platform integrates with various IT security tools, further enhancing its capacity to provide comprehensive vulnerability insights.


Pricing upon request


  • Advanced vulnerability scanning capabilities
  • Real-time monitoring for evolving threats
  • Broad integration with other IT security tools


  • Can be complex for beginners to navigate
  • Might be overkill for smaller organizations
  • Lack of transparent pricing information

6. Archer - Best for IT security and integrated risk management

Archer security risk assessment tool metrics screenshot
An overview of the Archer metrics dashboard.

Archer is a comprehensive tool geared towards managing IT security risks while offering integrated risk management capabilities. With a strong emphasis on addressing IT security challenges and consolidating risk data across the enterprise, it's designed to provide a holistic view of an organization's risk landscape.

Why I Picked Archer:

Archer came to my attention after meticulous scrutiny of various risk management tools. Its dual emphasis on IT security and holistic, integrated risk management differentiates it from its peers. Given its capability to bring IT security risks into the broader integrated risk management framework, Archer is ideally suited for organizations aiming to combine these two pivotal functions.

Standout features & integrations:

Archer offers a dynamic dashboard that simplifies the visualization of complex risk data, aiding decision-making. Its advanced analytics allow for deep dives into the risk data, enabling organizations to unearth hidden insights. Integration-wise, Archer offers compatibility with a wide range of IT security tools and enterprise platforms, allowing data flow and improved risk response.


Pricing upon request


  • Dynamic dashboard for easy risk visualization
  • Advanced analytics for detailed risk assessments
  • Wide range of integrations with IT security tools


  • Interface might be challenging for beginners
  • Deployment might be time-consuming for larger enterprises
  • Lack of transparent pricing structure

7. MetricStream - Best for CyberGRC governance and analytics

MetricStream analytics dashboard
Take a look at this screenshot of the MetricStream analytic dashboard.

MetricStream streamlines CyberGRC initiatives with a focus on governance and analytics, simplifying cybersecurity and compliance management.

Why I Picked MetricStream:

I chose MetricStream for its emphasis on CyberGRC governance, which other tools often overlook. Its analytical capabilities and governance-centric approach set it apart from other options in the market. Given the increasing number of cyber threats facing organizations, I believe MetricStream's expertise in CyberGRC governance and analytics is crucial for firms looking to strengthen their defense mechanisms.

Standout features & integrations:

MetricStream is well-regarded for its robust reporting capabilities that provide insights into an organization's cybersecurity posture. Its workflow automation aids in streamlining compliance processes, thereby ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks. On the integration front, MetricStream is compatible with several IT security tools, threat intelligence feeds, and regulatory databases, which ensures that the organization remains updated and compliant.


Pricing upon request


  • Robust reporting capabilities for deep insights
  • Workflow automation for streamlined compliance processes
  • Extensive integration with IT security tools and regulatory databases


  • Initial setup may be complex for some organizations
  • Requires specialized training to maximize its capabilities
  • Pricing information isn't readily available, which might deter potential customers

8. Qualys VMDR - Best for dynamic vulnerability management

Qualys VMDR dashboard sample
Here's Qualys VMDR prioritizing vulnerabilities, tracks trends, and measures cybersecurity effectiveness in hybrid environments.

Qualys VMDR detects, prioritizes, and fixes threats in real-time to protect organizations from evolving threats and vulnerabilities.

Why I Picked Qualys VMDR:

I chose Qualys VMDR for this list after thoroughly comparing similar tools in the market. Its emphasis on dynamic responses distinguishes it, allowing organizations to stay ahead of vulnerabilities rather than merely reacting to them. I believe it's "Best for dynamic vulnerability management" because, in a landscape where threats constantly evolve, its adaptability ensures organizations remain protected.

Standout features & integrations:

One of the tool's foremost features is its real-time threat intelligence, allowing instant response to emerging vulnerabilities. Furthermore, its prioritization engine intelligently ranks vulnerabilities based on potential impact, aiding in more efficient remediation efforts. In terms of integrations, Qualys VMDR connects with many security information and event management (SIEM) systems and incident response platforms, ensuring comprehensive security coverage.


Pricing upon request


  • Real-time threat intelligence for immediate vulnerability detection
  • Intelligent prioritization engine that ranks vulnerabilities based on the potential impact
  • Extensive integrations with SIEM systems and incident response platforms


  • The interface might be overwhelming for first-time users
  • Dependency on the cloud might not suit organizations with strict data localization rules
  • Absence of transparent pricing may lead to hesitation among potential users

9. FAIR Risk Management - Best for quantitative risk analysis methods

FAIR Risk Management analysis result
Here's a screenshot from FAIR Risk Management risk scenario analysis.

FAIR Risk Management quantifies information risk in financial terms, determining the potential financial impact of security risks.

Why I Picked FAIR Risk Management:

After delving deeply and comparing numerous risk management tools, I chose FAIR Risk Management for its distinctive quantitative approach. The tool uniquely quantifies risk in monetary terms, offering a clear financial perspective on potential threats – a trait not commonly found in other risk assessment models. Its focus on a quantitative approach makes it the prime choice for those prioritizing tangible, financial insights into their risk landscape.

Standout features & integrations:

A pivotal feature of FAIR Risk Management is its ability to convert uncertain risk scenarios into probable financial outcomes. This offers businesses a clearer understanding of their potential risk exposure. Additionally, it models potential risk scenarios based on real-world events, which further enriches its analysis. As for integrations, FAIR can be incorporated into several GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) platforms to amplify its capabilities.


Pricing upon request


  • Turns uncertain scenarios into probable financial outcomes.
  • Bases risk modeling on real-world incidents, making its insights particularly actionable.
  • Can be integrated with various GRC platforms, increasing its utility.


  • Might require a deeper understanding of quantitative risk assessment for new adopters.
  • As it prioritizes financial metrics, other forms of risk might not be as deeply explored.
  • Absence of a transparent pricing structure may deter potential adopters

10. Connectwise - Best for security management and tailored assessments

Connectwise dashboard sample
Here's a dashboard sample from Connectwise.

Connectwise offers tailored security assessments and streamlined management solutions to meet your organization's specific needs. Achieve the best possible security management with ease.

Why I Picked Connectwise:

Connectwise's customized security management and assessments make it the ideal option for businesses with unique needs. Its hybrid approach and tailored solutions set it apart from other tools that offer one-size-fits-all solutions.

Standout features & integrations:

Connectwise excels with its automated detection and response capabilities, ensuring swift actions against potential security threats. Its custom-tailored risk assessments are designed with adaptability in mind, catering to businesses of all sizes and industries. In terms of integrations, Connectwise plays well with various third-party applications, enhancing its versatility in diverse IT environments.


Pricing upon request


  • Automated detection and response provide timely security interventions.
  • Custom-tailored risk assessments fit the unique needs of each organization.
  • Versatile integrations with third-party applications expand its utility in different IT setups.


  • Lack of transparent pricing can be a barrier for some potential users.
  • Might have a steeper learning curve for those unfamiliar with tailored assessments.
  • The wide array of features could be overwhelming for smaller businesses that only need basic security management

11. IBM Security Guardium Data Risk Manager - Best for data-centric risk management

IBM Security Guardium's dashboard screenshot.
Here's IBM Security Guardium's dashboard showing all integrated features especially advance analytics to protect your data and enhance threat prevention.

IBM Security Guardium manages data risks by monitoring and detecting vulnerabilities in your environment, making it the top choice for data-centric security.

Why I Picked IBM Security Guardium Data Risk Manager:

While curating a list of top-tier security tools, I selected IBM Security Guardium Data Risk Manager due to its refined focus on data. Its differentiation lies in its comprehensive ability to secure data across varied platforms and environments. I judge this tool as "best for" data-centric risk management because of its deep-rooted commitment to protecting the core - the data itself.

Standout features & integrations:

IBM Security Guardium Data Risk Manager stands out with its real-time activity monitoring which provides live insights into potential risks. Additionally, its advanced data classification helps organizations pinpoint sensitive data and protect them more precisely. As for integrations, this IBM product meshes well with other IBM offerings and many third-party applications, ensuring compatibility within an organization's existing tech stack.


Pricing upon request


  • Real-time activity monitoring ensures timely responses to potential threats.
  • Advanced data classification for pinpointing and securing sensitive data effectively.
  • Robust compatibility with a variety of both IBM and third-party products.


  • No transparent pricing can hinder initial user trust.
  • May present a learning curve for those unfamiliar with IBM's ecosystem.
  • Its comprehensive features may be more than what smaller organizations need, adding to the complexity

12. IBM OpenPages - Best for operational risk and compliance management

IBM OpenPages analytics dashboard
Here's a quick preview of the IBM OpenPages analytics dashboard.

IBM OpenPages is a unified platform designed to address the intricate challenges of operational risk and compliance management.

Why I Picked IBM OpenPages:

I chose IBM OpenPages for this compilation because of its strong operational risk focus. It stands out by integrating compliance management into the same framework, ensuring businesses meet internal and external standards. It's the perfect tool for combining risk management with compliance functions.

Standout features & integrations:

IBM OpenPages is prized for its operational risk analytics, providing deep insights into business processes and their associated risks. The platform's agility in incident management ensures that any deviations are promptly addressed. On the integration front, IBM OpenPages smoothly integrates with other IBM solutions, creating a cohesive ecosystem and many third-party risk management solutions, broadening its application base.


Pricing upon request


  • Advanced operational risk analytics allow for in-depth risk assessments.
  • Agility in incident management for rapid response and mitigation.
  • Strong integrations with other IBM solutions and third-party platforms.


  • Absence of transparent pricing might deter potential users.
  • The breadth of features might be overwhelming for smaller teams.
  • A learning curve is associated with mastering all functionalities

Other Noteworthy Security Risk Assessment Tools

Below is a list of additional security risk assessment tools that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Nexpose - Good for dynamic asset discovery and risk assessment
  2. NetWitness - Good for streamlined incident response practices
  3. RapidRatings - Good for robust information security ratings
  4. Microsoft Defender for Cloud - Good for cloud-native endpoint protection
  5. UpGuard - Good for thorough vendor risk evaluations
  6. Bitsight - Good for data-driven cybersecurity analysis
  7. AT&T Cybersecurity - Good for extensive cyber threat detection
  8. SecurityScorecard - Good for real-time security posture monitoring
  9. Frontline Vulnerability Manager - Good for proactive vulnerability management strategies

Selection Criteria for Choosing Security Risk Assessment Tools

When navigating the maze of cybersecurity software options, it's crucial to prioritize specific criteria that truly matter for the task at hand. Having tried out more than 40 tools in this category, I've discerned certain functionalities and features that stood out. I've evaluated numerous cybersecurity tools, but in this case, I was particularly looking for in-depth risk assessment and ease of usability, which I'll delve into below.

Core Functionality

  • Risk Assessment: The primary role of a cybersecurity tool should be to evaluate vulnerabilities and provide a clear assessment of risks.
  • Incident Response: In the event of a security breach, the tool should have mechanisms to respond promptly and mitigate the threat.
  • Continuous Monitoring: An ideal tool should constantly oversee systems, ensuring that vulnerabilities don't go unnoticed.
  • Vendor Risk Management: If third-party vendors are involved, the software should also be able to assess their security risks.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Asset Discovery: Automatically detects and assesses new devices or software introduced into the system.
  • Real-time Alerts: Sends instantaneous notifications when potential security threats are detected.
  • Cloud-Native Protection: Offers specialized security for cloud-based infrastructures and services.
  • Data-Driven Analysis: Uses quantitative data to provide detailed insights into security posture.
  • Role-Based Access Control: Allows customization of user roles to limit access based on job responsibilities.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: For cybersecurity tools, a centralized dashboard that provides an at-a-glance view of security health, recent incidents, and pending tasks is vital.
  • Easy Filtering or Tagging Interface: Asset management within these tools should allow users to quickly categorize, tag, and filter data for streamlined operations.
  • Learning Library or Training Program: Due to the complexity of some cybersecurity tools, a dedicated section for training resources, tutorial videos, and best practices is essential for onboarding.
  • Responsive Customer Support: Quick and efficient customer support can make a significant difference, especially when dealing with time-sensitive security threats.
  • Configurable Role-Based Access: Given the sensitivity of data, the tool should make it straightforward to set access levels based on different user roles, ensuring that sensitive information is only accessible to those with the right permissions.

Most Common Questions Regarding Security Risk Assessment Tools (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using a security risk assessment tool?

Using a security risk assessment tool offers numerous advantages. Some of the primary benefits include:

  1. In-depth Analysis: These tools comprehensively understand your organization's security posture by identifying vulnerabilities.
  2. Proactive Threat Detection: Instead of reacting to threats, these tools help businesses stay a step ahead by identifying potential risks before they escalate.
  3. Compliance Assurance: Many tools ensure that your organization adheres to industry regulations and standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
  4. Efficient Resource Allocation: Businesses can prioritize and allocate resources effectively by highlighting the most pressing threats.
  5. Enhanced Decision Making: With detailed insights, organizations can make informed decisions about cybersecurity investments and strategies.

How much do these tools typically cost?

The cost of security risk assessment tools varies based on features, scale, and vendor. While some tools have a flat monthly or annual fee, others may charge based on the number of assets or users.

What are the typical pricing models for these tools?

There are several common pricing models:

  • Per User: Pricing is based on the number of users accessing the tool.
  • Per Asset: Costs depend on the number of assets being monitored.
  • Flat Fee: A set price for the tool regardless of size or number of users.
  • Freemium: A basic version is free, with advanced features available at a cost.

What's the general price range for these tools?

Prices can range anywhere from $20/user/month for basic solutions to $1,000/month for enterprise-grade tools with advanced functionalities.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive software options?

The cheapest options often include freemium models like "Tool X" which offers basic functionalities for free, while the most expensive options, tailored for large enterprises like "Tool Y", can cost thousands per month.

Are there any free tool options available?

Yes, some tools offer a free version with limited capabilities. For instance, "Tool X" has a freemium model where the basic version is free, but advanced features come with a cost.


In the evolving landscape of cyber threats, selecting the right security risk assessment tool is crucial for an organization's protection and compliance. These tools offer invaluable insights into vulnerabilities, proactive threat detection, and ensure alignment with industry standards. Moreover, the diverse pricing models cater to various organization sizes and needs, making it accessible for everyone, from small businesses to large enterprises.

Key takeaways:

  1. Holistic Analysis: The primary benefit of these tools is the comprehensive understanding they provide about an organization's security stance, allowing for proactive action against potential threats.
  2. Cost Variation: Pricing can differ significantly based on functionalities, users, and assets, with options ranging from freemium models to high-end enterprise solutions.
  3. Usability and Compliance: Beyond just identifying threats, the best tools ensure an easy user experience and help maintain regulatory compliance, ensuring long-term security and operational efficiency.

Additional Resources

There are many noteworthy cybersecurity resources available for you to learn more. For CTOs and tech leaders at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation and defense, join our newsletter for expert advice and cutting-edge solutions in cybersecurity.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.