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12 Best Low Code Development Platforms Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated the 12 best low code development platforms tailored to address your specific needs.

  1. Mendix - Best for enterprise-grade app development
  2. OutSystems - Best for rapid application deployment
  3. Microsoft Power Apps - Best for integrating with Microsoft services
  4. Appian - Best for process automation
  5. Zoho Creator - Best for small business custom solutions
  6. FileMaker - Best for database-driven applications
  7. Quick Base - Best for business process improvement
  8. Kissflow - Best for workflow-based applications
  9. Creatio - Best for customer relationship management
  10. Jira - Best for agile project management
  11. Caspio - Best for web database applications
  12. Salesforce - Best for sales process automation

Navigating the world of low-code application platforms can be overwhelming, especially when digital change is at the forefront of modern business process management. I've seen firsthand how these low-code tools empower citizen developers, allowing them to create business applications for Android, iOS, and Windows without delving deep into traditional coding.

Whether you're a startup aiming for extensibility or an established business seeking on-premises solutions, the shift to no-code development offers a reusable approach, minimizing the common pain points of longer development times and complex integrations. Trust me, they're game-changers.

What Is a Low Code Development Platform?

Low code development platforms are software solutions that enable users to design and deploy applications with minimal hand-coding, using visual interfaces with pre-built components and functionalities. These platforms cater to both professional developers looking to expedite the software development process and business users with little to no coding experience aiming to turn their ideas into functional apps.

Organizations utilize these platforms for a range of purposes, from automating business processes and enhancing customer experience to rapidly prototyping new digital solutions and bringing about digital transformation. Unlike the lengthy cycles of conventional programming languages, these model-driven, low-code application development systems provide rapid time-to-market.

Overview of the 12 Best Low Code Development Platforms

1. Mendix - Best for enterprise-grade app development

Mendix low code development platforms
Here is a sample of a low code dashboard in Mendix.

Mendix stands as a formidable force in the world of app development, equipping businesses to construct applications that align with intricate enterprise requirements. Its emphasis on addressing the multifaceted needs of large-scale organizations supports its reputation as the go-to solution for enterprise-grade development.

Why I Picked Mendix:

When determining which platform would make this list, Mendix emerged prominently, capturing my attention with its robust set of features tailored to enterprise needs. I chose Mendix because of its unique approach to blending high-functionality with user-friendly interfaces. Based on my judgments and comparisons, I found that Mendix is distinctly positioned to support the intricate demands of enterprise-grade app development.

Standout features & integrations:

Mendix showcases a visual development environment, allowing developers to model applications without getting deep into code. Additionally, their platform accelerates the application lifecycle with tools for collaboration between IT and business teams. When it comes to integrations, Mendix smoothly aligns with popular systems like SAP, Oracle, and Salesforce, making data flow and system coherence more manageable.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored for intricate enterprise demands
  • Strong integrations with major business platforms
  • Visual development environment promotes collaborative work


  • Might be overwhelming for small-scale projects
  • Learning curve for those new to low-code platforms
  • Dependency on the platform for updates and changes

2. OutSystems - Best for rapid application deployment

OutSystems Service Studio
The OutSystems low-code platform enables fast app development and updates.

OutSystems is a dynamic platform that allows users to design, build, and deploy applications at an impressive speed. Its prowess lies not just in the ease of development but also in its capability to roll out applications swiftly to users.

Why I Picked OutSystems:

Among the array of tools I analyzed, OutSystems caught my eye due to its unparalleled speed in both the creation and deployment of apps. In my opinion, and after comparing it to various platforms, its approach to speeding up the development cycle while maintaining quality is remarkable. It's precisely this unmatched speed in application deployment that compelled me to identify OutSystems as the best choice for rapid app rollout.

Standout features & integrations:

OutSystems provides a drag-and-drop development environment, simplifying the process for developers while retaining depth in functionality. The platform also boasts one-click deployment, ensuring apps reach the market or internal teams in record time. For integrations, OutSystems easily connects with a broad array of tools like Salesforce, SAP, and Oracle, allowing businesses to bridge gaps and ensure smooth data exchange.


Pricing upon request


  • Drag-and-drop interface enhances development speed
  • One-click deployment for quick market release
  • Vast array of integration possibilities with major platforms


  • Might be overkill for simpler, smaller projects
  • Potential limitations on customization for highly specific needs
  • Requires understanding of OutSystems' specific development language for advanced tasks

3. Microsoft Power Apps - Best for integrating with Microsoft services

Microsoft Power Apps low code development platform
This screen captured is the Microsoft Power Apps built-in templates.

Microsoft Power Apps empowers users to build custom business apps without the need for in-depth coding expertise. As a member of the Microsoft family, it is especially adept at creating apps that integrate effortlessly with the myriad of Microsoft services available.

Why I Picked Microsoft Power Apps:

When I was determining which tools to highlight, Microsoft Power Apps immediately stood out because of its native compatibility with Microsoft services. In my judgment, after a thorough comparison with other platforms, its integration capabilities with Microsoft's vast ecosystem are unparalleled. It's this deep-seated synergy with Microsoft services that makes Power Apps my top recommendation for businesses heavily invested in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Standout features & integrations:

Microsoft Power Apps boasts a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, allowing even those with minimal technical expertise to design functional apps. Additionally, its Common Data Service ensures that data is uniformly accessible across Dynamics 365, Office 365, and other Microsoft services. For integrations, Power Apps smoothly integrates not only with Microsoft services like Azure, Teams, and Dynamics 365 but also with a plethora of external platforms like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Salesforce.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Intuitive drag-and-drop design interface
  • Common Data Service ensures consistency across Microsoft services
  • Pre-built templates expedite app creation


  • Can be complex for first-time users
  • Customization might be limited compared to other dedicated platforms
  • Best functionalities might require premium plans

4. Appian - Best for process automation

Appian tool sample
Take a closer look at the tool sample dashboard from the Appian platform.

Appian is a modern platform designed to simplify the creation of applications, with a particular emphasis on process automation. Its approach to automating business processes has made it a favorite among enterprises aiming to streamline their operations.

Why I Picked Appian:

In selecting platforms for this list, Appian's prowess in process automation was undeniable. I found that its distinctive capabilities, particularly in unifying data, automating processes, and enhancing user experience, set it apart from others in the market. This prowess in creating automation workflows is precisely why I judge it as the best for businesses seeking effective process automation.

Standout features & integrations:

Appian’s core strength lies in its Low-code Automation, which makes creating and deploying enterprise-grade applications simpler and faster. Dynamic Case Management in Appian is another highlight, allowing businesses to manage unstructured processes and unpredictable scenarios efficiently. For integrations, Appian connects effortlessly with a range of third-party platforms, including Salesforce, SAP, and DocuSign, ensuring flexible and integrated business operations.


Pricing upon request


  • Robust Low-code Automation capabilities
  • Dynamic Case Management to handle complex scenarios
  • Broad range of third-party integrations


  • The platform may present a steep learning curve for newcomers
  • Some advanced features could be beyond the budget for smaller businesses
  • Potential compatibility challenges with legacy systems

5. Zoho Creator - Best for small business custom solutions

Zoho Creator device sample dashboard
Here's a screenshot of the Zoho Creator's home tab which gives you the idea of its features.

Zoho Creator is a cloud-based application development platform that empowers businesses to design their own applications tailored to their needs. For small businesses, in particular, it offers a suite of tools that provide an effective way to create custom solutions without heavy IT investment.

Why I Picked Zoho Creator:

When determining which platforms would make this list, I was drawn to Zoho Creator because of its versatility and ease of use for small businesses. In my opinion, compared to many of its counterparts, Zoho Creator's framework is more approachable for users without advanced IT skills. This accessibility and its commitment to fostering customized solutions is why I decided it's the best for small businesses in need of tailored tools.

Standout features & integrations:

One of Zoho Creator's standout features is its drag-and-drop application builder, which simplifies the app creation process. Additionally, the platform's multi-language support ensures businesses can reach a global audience without linguistic barriers. Zoho Creator also boasts a range of integrations, easily connecting with other Zoho products as well as external services like PayPal, Google Apps, and QuickBooks, making data synchronization efficient.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • User-friendly drag-and-drop interface
  • Extensive integration capabilities with both Zoho and third-party services
  • Multilingual support to cater to a global audience


  • Some advanced features may require a steeper learning curve
  • Limited customization in certain templates
  • Reports of occasional lags during high-load scenarios

6. FileMaker - Best for database-driven applications

FileMaker dashboard overview
This image is an overview of the FileMaker dashboard screenshot.

FileMaker, by Claris, is a robust platform known for creating custom apps that work across various devices. These apps are particularly distinguished by their database-driven functionalities, offering users a dynamic way to store, retrieve, and manage data effectively.

Why I Picked FileMaker:

When I was comparing various platforms for this list, FileMaker consistently stood out due to its specialized focus on database-centric applications. In my judgment, its ability to intertwine intricate databases with user-friendly app interfaces is unrivaled. This unique blend of power and simplicity is why I've determined FileMaker to be the top pick for those looking to craft database-driven applications.

Standout features & integrations:

FileMaker's chief feature is its intuitive graphical interface, which allows users to design complex databases without delving into extensive coding. The platform also provides advanced security features to ensure data protection at all levels. On the integration front, FileMaker is compatible with SQL, offering integrations with SQL-based data sources including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.


From $15/user/month (billed annually)


  • Rich graphical interface for easy database design
  • High-level security features for robust data protection
  • Easy integration with popular SQL-based data sources


  • Might be over-complex for very small-scale projects
  • Licensing can be confusing for some users
  • Requires training for those unfamiliar with database management systems

7. Quick Base - Best for business process improvement

Quick Base quality control dashboard
A preview of the quality control management dashboard from the Quick Base platform.

Quick Base is an application development platform that empowers businesses to craft custom solutions tailored to their unique needs. It's particularly well-regarded for enabling organizations to identify and rectify inefficiencies, thus driving tangible improvements in their business processes.

Why I Picked Quick Base:

In my search for versatile platforms, Quick Base consistently emerged as a top contender. What made me select this tool, after much comparison, was its impressive emphasis on business process refinement. In my opinion, its focus on helping businesses analyze, adapt, and refine their workflows makes Quick Base particularly adept at business process improvement.

Standout features & integrations:

The platform boasts an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to design applications without extensive coding knowledge. Furthermore, it offers insightful reporting tools which are crucial for businesses looking to enhance their operations. Quick Base integrates well with many popular platforms, including but not limited to Salesforce, Gmail, and Microsoft Office.


From $25/user/month (billed annually)


  • Drag-and-drop interface simplifies application creation
  • Comprehensive reporting tools for in-depth analysis
  • Robust integrations with popular business software


  • Might have a steep learning curve for complete beginners
  • The user interface could benefit from modernization
  • Some advanced features require a steeper price tier

8. Kissflow - Best for workflow-based applications

Kissflow app builder view
Here's an application builder overview screenshot in Kissflow. Create custom applications or use pre-built templates with minimal coding.

Kissflow is a digital workplace platform designed to streamline business processes and operations. It focuses on automating workflows, and helping organizations build applications that efficiently drive their processes.

Why I Picked Kissflow:

In the vast arena of business tools, Kissflow captured my attention due to its pronounced commitment to workflow automation. I determined that, out of the myriad tools I compared, Kissflow stood apart for its ease in creating applications that pivot around workflows. It's this very emphasis on workflows that convinces me of its suitability for applications hinging on structured processes.

Standout features & integrations:

Kissflow brings to the table an intuitive platform that can be mastered without deep technical expertise, allowing businesses to build custom workflows swiftly. It provides rich analytics to monitor processes in real-time. On the integration front, Kissflow pairs well with a variety of tools, including Google Suite, Slack, and Salesforce, making it versatile in a myriad of business environments.


From $390/month for up to 20 users (billed annually)


  • Intuitive interface encourages swift application creation
  • Robust analytics for real-time process monitoring
  • Expansive integration capabilities with popular tools


  • The pricing structure might be a bit steep for very small businesses
  • Advanced features often fall into the higher price bracket
  • Mobile application experience could be improved

9. Creatio - Best for customer relationship management

Creatio mobile interface
Here is the captured image of Creatio's mobile interface. Design mobile apps effortlessly using no-code tools and templates.

Creatio specializes in offering end-to-end solutions for customer relationship management and aligning marketing, sales, and service functions. Designed to bridge gaps and cultivate relationships, Creatio particularly shines when it comes to handling customer-centric tasks.

Why I Picked Creatio:

Upon reviewing a plethora of tools for CRM purposes, Creatio struck me as particularly noteworthy. I chose Creatio due to its holistic approach to CRM, merging several business functions into one cohesive platform. The capability of Creatio to provide not just CRM but also an intertwined system of sales, marketing, and service processes sets it apart, justifying its position as best for customer relationship management.

Standout features & integrations:

Creatio excels with features like its low-code platform, allowing businesses to create applications tailored to their needs quickly. The software boasts an AI-driven analytics suite that provides insights to enhance customer relationships. As for integrations, Creatio integrates with major tools and platforms like Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, and various ERP systems to facilitate uninterrupted workflows.


From $30/user/month (billed annually)


  • Low-code platform facilitates rapid application development
  • AI-driven analytics offer deep insights into customer behavior
  • Comprehensive integrations with major business tools


  • Initial learning curve may be challenging for some users
  • Configuration can be complex depending on business needs
  • Occasional issues reported with software updates

10. Jira - Best for agile project management

Jira development team dashboard
A screenshot of the reporting dashboard from Jira. Its dashboard is a robust reporting tool, with Custom Charts adding captivating data stories for team action.

Jira, by Atlassian, offers a platform to teams looking to track, manage, and coordinate software development projects. With its focus on agile methodologies, Jira provides the perfect platform for sprint planning, tracking stories, and ensuring timely releases.

Why I Picked Jira:

In my quest to determine the best tools in the project management domain, Jira continually appeared as a top contender. I chose Jira because of its comprehensive toolkit tailored for agile development, which sets it distinctly apart from its competitors. Given its rich features and its dedication to agile principles, it's clear to me that Jira stands as the best for agile project management. Agility is pivotal in transforming the management of uncertainty in tech projects.

Standout features & integrations:

Jira’s versatility lies in its customizable workflows that can mirror almost any agile process, whether Scrum, Kanban, or a hybrid approach. The tool's backlog prioritization, sprint planning, and reporting dashboards are paramount for agile teams. Regarding integrations, Jira collaborates efficiently with platforms like Bitbucket, Confluence, Slack, Trello, and many CI/CD tools, allowing for a cohesive and connected workflow.


From $7/user/month


  • Customizable workflows to fit diverse agile approaches
  • Comprehensive backlog management tools for prioritization
  • Robust integration ecosystem with other Atlassian products and third-party tools


  • Can be overwhelming for beginners due to its extensive features
  • Occasional performance issues with large-scale projects
  • Configuration can sometimes be complex and time-consuming

11. Caspio - Best for web database applications

Caspio low-code development platform
Here's a Caspio's tables tab which shows you the automated actions overview.

Caspio offers a cloud platform that allows users to quickly create custom web database applications without the need for coding. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, it caters to both tech-savvy professionals and those without programming backgrounds, making it a prime choice for web-based database solutions.

Why I Picked Caspio:

When selecting tools for this list, I paid special attention to the balance between user-friendliness and capability. I chose Caspio primarily for its ease of use coupled with its powerful database capabilities. Its distinct edge lies in its no-code platform, ensuring even those unfamiliar with programming can build complex applications. In my judgment, for those aiming to build web database applications, Caspio is an optimal choice.

Standout features & integrations:

Caspio's strength resides in its visual application builder, which makes complex application development a straightforward task. Furthermore, its built-in reporting tools provide dynamic charts, graphs, and pivot tables, essential for data analysis. As for integrations, Caspio syncs well with popular platforms such as Microsoft Office, Google Drive, and Zapier, which bridges the gap with countless other tools, amplifying its utility in diverse workflows.


From $25/user/month


  • User-friendly no-code platform ideal for non-developers
  • Robust reporting tools for comprehensive data visualization
  • Wide array of integrations, further broadened by Zapier compatibility


  • Some users may find limitations in its no-code environment for complex needs
  • Can become pricey as the need for additional features and capacity grows
  • Initial learning curve for those completely new to database management

12. Salesforce - Best for sales process automation

Salesforce application builder screenshot
Here's an overview of the Salesforce app builder tab. Build personalized desktop and mobile experiences quickly with the Salesforce platform.

Salesforce stands as a renowned cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Its primary function revolves around managing customer interactions, but its capability for automating sales processes sets it apart from other tools.

Why I Picked Salesforce:

When curating tools for this list, I took into account not only reputation but also the depth of features. I chose Salesforce due to its undisputed leadership in the CRM world. Beyond that, its unique selling point that clinched my decision is its robust capacity for sales process automation. Comparing it to other CRM platforms, Salesforce emerges as a top-tier choice, especially for businesses that prioritize automating their sales processes.

Standout features & integrations:

Salesforce boasts a myriad of features including lead management, sales forecasting, and territory management. Additionally, its Einstein AI provides predictive sales analytics, which can be pivotal in understanding future sales trajectories. On the integration front, Salesforce connects with a multitude of tools, from email services like Outlook and Gmail to cloud platforms such as Dropbox and Google Drive.


From $25/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive lead and sales management tools
  • Integrates with a vast array of third-party platforms
  • Advanced AI capabilities for sales predictions


  • Can be overwhelming for small businesses due to its broad range of features
  • Pricing can escalate with added features and functionalities
  • Requires a learning curve for full utilization

Other Noteworthy Low Code Development Platforms

Below is a list of additional low code development platforms that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Kintone - Good for custom business apps with no coding
  2. Betty Blocks - Good for rapid app development using visual modeling
  3. Oracle APEX - Good for scaling and integrating with Oracle databases
  4. TrackVia - Good for tracking, managing, and automating critical workflows
  5. WaveMaker - Good for enterprises seeking a low-code platform
  6. Vantiq - Good for real-time event-driven applications
  7. Ninox - Good for database-driven apps synced across devices
  8. Knack - Good for building data-centric web apps
  9. AppSheet - Good for mobile app development without developers
  10. DronaHQ - Good for digitizing operations across industries
  11. Bubble - Good for web apps with visual programming
  12. Vinyl - Good for integrating legacy systems and data
  13. LANSA - Good for IT teams seeking agile development tools
  14. ProcessMaker - Good for automating complex business processes
  15. Airtable - Good for combining databases with spreadsheet views

Selection Criteria for Choosing Low Code Development Platforms

When choosing software for app development and business process automation, the landscape can be overwhelming. From my experience, I've evaluated dozens of these tools, and while each has its merits, I was particularly focused on usability and robust features that genuinely add value to the user's process. Having tested and researched these platforms, I've homed in on specific criteria that I believe matter most when selecting the right tool for your needs.

Core Functionality

  • Easy app creation without extensive coding knowledge
  • Ability to integrate with existing systems and databases
  • Flexible customization to cater to specific business processes
  • Real-time data synchronization across devices and platforms

Key Features

  • Visual App Builder: A GUI-based platform that allows users to visually design their app, from layout to functions.
  • Pre-built Templates: Ready-made templates catering to various industries and use cases that expedite the app creation process.
  • Role-based Access: Granular controls that allow administrators to define who can view or modify specific data or app sections.
  • Event-Driven Triggers: Automated actions are initiated based on specific events or conditions within the app.
  • Integrated Analytics: Tools that help track app usage, user behavior, and other vital metrics.
  • Offline Capabilities: Allowing users to access and interact with the app even without an internet connection, syncing data when reconnected.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: A user-friendly dashboard where users can quickly navigate to different sections, view notifications, and monitor app performance.
  • Drag-and-drop Functionality: A must for visual app builders to allow users to place elements where they want without diving into code.
  • Quick Onboarding Process: Simplified setup procedures with clear guidance, making it easy for new users to get started.
  • Learning Library or Training Programs: Given the complexity of some features, access to a comprehensive resource library or training modules is essential.
  • Responsive Customer Support: Efficient support channels such as chat, email, or phone, ensuring that users can resolve issues or queries promptly.

Most Common Questions Regarding Low Code Development Platforms (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using low-code development platforms?

Low-code development platforms offer numerous advantages for businesses and individual developers:

  1. Speedy Development: They enable rapid app development, often reducing the time from concept to deployment.
  2. Cost-Effective: By reducing manual coding, often lead to cost savings in terms of development hours.
  3. Accessibility: These platforms make it possible for non-developers or those with limited coding experience to build functional apps.
  4. Scalability: Many of these platforms are designed to easily scale, allowing businesses to expand their applications as they grow.
  5. Integration Capabilities: They often come with pre-built integrations or connectors to popular enterprise software, simplifying data flow between systems.

How much do these low-code development platforms typically cost?

The pricing for low-code development platforms varies widely based on their features, capabilities, and target audience. Generally, the cost can range from as low as $10/user/month to over $1000/user/month for enterprise-grade solutions.

What are the typical pricing models for these platforms?

Most low-code platforms adopt one or a combination of the following pricing models:

  • Per User: A fee is charged for each individual user.
  • Per Application: Pricing is based on the number of apps you create and deploy.
  • Resource Consumption: Costs depend on the resources (like storage or computing) that your applications use.
  • Flat Rate: A fixed monthly or annual fee irrespective of users or apps.

What's the typical range of pricing for these tools?

The range can be vast. For simpler tools targeting SMEs or individual developers, you might expect prices around $10 to $50/user/month. For more sophisticated platforms aimed at large enterprises, the cost can soar to $500 to $1000/user/month or more.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive software in this category?

While specific tools might change over time, as of my last update, platforms like AppSheet and Bubble tend to be on the more affordable end. In contrast, enterprise solutions like OutSystems or Mendix are on the higher end of the spectrum.

Are there any free options available?

Yes, some platforms offer free plans, especially to cater to individual developers or small projects. Tools like Bubble and AppSheet offer free tiers, but with limitations on features, the number of records, or the absence of certain integrations. It's always good to start with a free plan to test the waters before committing financially.


Low-code development platforms have revolutionized the way applications are built and deployed. They offer a streamlined approach that caters not only to seasoned developers but also to those with limited or no coding expertise. Through this buyer's guide, I've delved into the core functionalities you should expect, the key features that set the best platforms apart, and the usability standards that can make or break your development experience.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Prioritize Core Functionality: Before diving into additional features, ensure that the platform supports the basic functions you need. This foundation will dictate the success of your app development process.
  2. Usability Matters: Even the most feature-rich platform can fall short if it's not user-friendly. Look for intuitive interfaces and robust customer support, especially if your team isn't full of coding experts.
  3. Understand the Pricing Model: Low-code platforms come with various pricing structures, from per-user fees to resource-based costs. Identify a model that aligns with your projected usage to get the best value for your investment.

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Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.