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12 Best Identity And Access Management Solutions Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've curated the 12 best identity and access management solutions to address your needs.

  1. NetIQ Identity Manager - Best for large enterprise scalability
  2. Akamai Identity Cloud - Best for global content delivery integration
  3. Auth0 - Best for developer-friendly customization
  4. Ping Identity - Best for multi-factor authentication
  5. Thales SafeNet Trusted Access - Best for security hardware integration
  6. WSO2 Identity Server - Best for open-source flexibility
  7. ForgeRock - Best for identity lifecycle management
  8. Okta Workforce Identity Cloud - Best for workforce-specific solutions
  9. JumpCloud - Best for cross-platform user management
  10. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) - Best for Amazon ecosystem integration
  11. IBM Security Verify - Best for AI-driven insights
  12. Microsoft Entra Verified ID - Best for Microsoft suite compatibility

Identity access management systems (IAM) are essential for cybersecurity, combining automation with solid password management. These systems streamline user accounts, mobile device control, and endpoint security, simplifying passwordless access and providing IT with cloud applications and precise security policies.

Identity management solutions address two critical pain points: ensuring rigorous certifications protect digital gateways and enable a streamlined process for shaping and enforcing them, turning a digital workspace into a safer and more efficient environment.

What is an Identity And Access Management Solution?

Identity and access management solutions (IAM) are frameworks that streamline and secure the process of granting authorized users access to specific resources in an organization. These systems manage user identities, implement identity-as-a-service, establish admin roles, secure cloud IDaaS solutions, and implement zero-trust policies to ensure that the right people access the right resources for valid purposes.

Typically used by IT teams in enterprises, IAM solutions help safeguard digital assets, monitor user activities, and maintain regulatory compliance. Their functions span from simple password resets to intricate workflows in multi-cloud environments, ensuring that a company's digital boundaries remain both flexible and secure.

Overview of the 12 Best Identity And Access Management Solutions

1. NetIQ Identity Manager - Best for large enterprise scalability

NetIQ Identity Manager dashboard sample
Here's a captured image from the NetIQ Identity Manager dashboard which allows you to manage all of your organizational identity stores.

NetIQ Identity Manager helps enterprises manage and streamline user identities, ensuring that the right people access resources. Given the complexity of larger organizations, this solution stands out in its ability to scale and handle numerous users across varied departments.

Why I Picked NetIQ Identity Manager:

I selected NetIQ Identity Manager after comparing its features with other tools, and it became evident that its capabilities were tailored for larger entities. It's not merely about managing a plethora of user identities; it's about doing so efficiently and securely. Hence, when it comes to scalability, especially in the context of large enterprises, NetIQ Identity Manager rightly earns its title as the "Best for large enterprise scalability."

Standout features & integrations:

NetIQ Identity Manager excels in user provisioning, self-service password reset, and single sign-on capabilities. Moreover, its risk-based authentication adds an extra layer of security, which is especially beneficial for bigger corporations. On the integrations front, it works alongside other Micro Focus products, making it an asset for enterprises already leveraging this ecosystem.


From $6/user/month (min 10 seats)


  • Efficient user provisioning for complex organizations
  • Risk-based authentication offers improved security measures
  • Wide array of integration options with the Micro Focus ecosystem


  • Steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Might be an overkill for small businesses
  • Interface can feel dated compared to newer solutions

2. Akamai Identity Cloud - Best for global content delivery integration

Akamai Identity Cloud all device tool sample
Here's look at the sample dashboard in all devices of Akamai Identity Cloud's comprehensive identity resolution software.

Akamai Identity Cloud manages customer identity and access, connecting users to the resources they need. It integrates with Akamai's content delivery network for fast and secure content delivery, making it essential for global businesses.

Why I Picked Akamai Identity Cloud:

I chose Akamai Identity Cloud for its unique combination of identity management and content delivery, allowing businesses to authenticate users and deliver content efficiently. Given this synergy, it was clear why Akamai Identity Cloud is "Best for global content delivery integration."

Standout features & integrations:

Akamai Identity Cloud offers robust registration, social login, and single sign-on capabilities. Its profile storage ensures user data is secure, while its consent and preference management tools uphold user trust. When it comes to integrations, Akamai Identity Cloud is designed to work harmoniously with Akamai's suite of performance and security solutions, providing an integrated user experience that is both secure and efficient.


Pricing upon request


  • Comprehensive registration and social login features
  • Robust profile storage ensures user data safety
  • Perfectly tailored for global operations due to CDN integration


  • Not optimal for small-scale operations
  • Might come off as complex for those unfamiliar with CDN concepts
  • Lacks some of the granular controls found in dedicated IAM tools

3. Auth0 - Best for developer-friendly customization

Auth0 identity and access management solutions
A quick preview of the Auth0 dashboard where you can view the login activities.

Auth0 is a platform for authentication and authorization that provides developers with resources and tools to create customized authentication experiences. It's known for being developer-friendly and highly customizable.

Why I Picked Auth0:

In selecting identity management tools, Auth0 immediately stood out because of its emphasis on catering to developers. Most platforms provide ready-made solutions, but Auth0's power is its adaptability. I chose it precisely because it allows developers to mold their authentication process according to their application's requirements. When considering customization capabilities, it's no wonder Auth0 emerged as the best pick for developer-friendly customization.

Standout features & integrations:

Auth0 shines with its adaptable authentication flows, versatile SDKs, and login box (Lock). Furthermore, the platform supports multi-factor authentication and provides actionable insights through its logging and reporting. In terms of integrations, Auth0 offers smooth connections with a myriad of third-party apps, and SaaS platforms and can be used across various development stacks, adding to its versatility.


From $23/user/month (billed annually)


  • Adaptable authentication flows for diverse applications
  • Offers extensive SDKs catering to different tech stacks
  • Streamlined third-party integrations


  • Might be overwhelming for non-developers
  • Some advanced features require moving to higher pricing tiers
  • Initial setup can be time-consuming for complex use cases

4. Ping Identity - Best for multi-factor authentication

Ping Identity's repository directory selection feature screenshot.
Here's Ping Identity's repository directory selection feature where you can select which tools you want to integrate.

Ping Identity offers a robust identity platform that ensures secure and easy user experiences. A standout in their suite is their multi-factor authentication (MFA) prowess, making them an optimal choice for those keen on strengthening their security layers, fitting with the title "Best for multi-factor authentication."

Why I Picked Ping Identity:

While evaluating various tools, the sheer strength of Ping Identity's MFA capabilities caught my attention. I determined it to be one of the most reliable platforms for this security aspect. The depth of their MFA offering, from biometrics to one-time passwords, makes them distinct in a crowded marketplace. With security breaches becoming more sophisticated, it's clear why Ping Identity is the best for multi-factor authentication.

Standout features & integrations:

Beyond its renowned MFA, Ping Identity offers adaptive authentication, single sign-on, and intelligent API security. It's designed to evolve with changing security needs, making it future-ready. Integration-wise, Ping Identity easily connects with many enterprise applications, cloud platforms, and infrastructure setups, ensuring a cohesive security environment.


From $5/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive MFA options including biometrics
  • Strong adaptive authentication capabilities
  • Broad enterprise application integration range


  • Might require a steeper learning curve for beginners
  • Some advanced features necessitate higher pricing tiers
  • Deployment can be intricate for larger organizations

5. Thales SafeNet Trusted Access - Best for security hardware integration

Thales SafeNet Trusted Access policies screenshot
Here is the Thales SafeNet Trusted Access policies overview that enables users to secure, easy app access with universal authentication.

Thales SafeNet Trusted Access is an excellent identity and access management solution that prioritizes secure authentication and integrates seamlessly with various security hardware.

Why I Picked Thales SafeNet Trusted Access:

Thales SafeNet Trusted Access stood out to me for its strong emphasis on hardware security in access management. This hardware-focused approach led me to determine it's the best choice for organizations that leverage or plan to deploy hardware-based authentication mechanisms.

Standout features & integrations:

Thales SafeNet offers features like secure single sign-on (SSO), adaptive authentication, and many multi-factor authentication methods. Its ability to integrate easily with hardware tokens, smart cards, and biometric devices is remarkable. On the integration front, it connects well with enterprise applications, on-premises environments, and cloud platforms, ensuring a harmonized security infrastructure.


From $6/user/month (billed annually)


  • Robust hardware integration capabilities
  • Comprehensive set of multi-factor authentication methods
  • Adaptive authentication that responds to varying threat levels


  • Might be complex for those unfamiliar with hardware security
  • Not the most intuitive user interface
  • Some users report occasional latency in the authentication process

6. WSO2 Identity Server - Best for open-source flexibility

WSO2 Identity Server tool dashboard sample
This is the tool dashboard screenshot from the WSO2 Identity Server that offers a modern, robust identity and access management solution.

WSO2 Identity Server is an open-source identity and access management solution that provides enterprises with robust security features. Its open-source nature offers organizations unparalleled customization and flexibility, which is why it shines as the top choice for open-source flexibility in identity management.

Why I Picked WSO2 Identity Server:

When selecting an identity tool with flexibility at its core, the WSO2 Identity Server prominently stood out. I chose it because of its open-source model, allowing for extensive customization and tailoring. This unique characteristic made it clear that for companies valuing open-source flexibility, WSO2 is the optimal choice.

Standout features & integrations:

WSO2 Identity Server boasts features like single sign-on, adaptive authentication, and a broad range of multi-factor authentication methods. Given its open-source nature, it allows for the creation of custom modules to suit specific enterprise needs. For integrations, it supports popular enterprise applications, both on-premises and in the cloud, ensuring a cohesive security landscape.


From $5/user/month (billed annually)


  • High level of customization thanks to its open-source model
  • Broad range of authentication methods supported
  • Good integration capabilities with enterprise applications


  • Might require technical expertise for certain customizations
  • Initial setup can be intricate for some users
  • Documentation, while extensive, can sometimes be overwhelming

7. ForgeRock - Best for identity lifecycle management

ForgeRock Identity Cloud analytics dashboard
This ForgeRock identity cloud analytics dashboard displays engagement, users, and new sign-ups for a 30-day period, filterable by time period.

ForgeRock offers a comprehensive identity and access management solution that caters to the complex needs of modern enterprises. One of its strongest points is its emphasis on identity lifecycle management, ensuring that user identities are efficiently managed from creation to deactivation.

Why I Picked ForgeRock:

In determining the best tool for identity lifecycle management, ForgeRock quickly became my preferred choice. I selected it based on its impressive capabilities and dedication to addressing the entire lifecycle of user identities. Given the complexities businesses face today in managing users' identities throughout their lifecycle, ForgeRock is undoubtedly best equipped for this specific challenge.

Standout features & integrations:

ForgeRock excels with features like real-time identity synchronization, adaptive risk-based authentication, and self-service account management. Additionally, its platform is designed to scale and evolve with the needs of the business. Integrations-wise, ForgeRock can easily connect with various enterprise applications, CRMs, and IoT devices, making it versatile in diverse IT environments.


From $8/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive identity lifecycle management
  • Adaptive risk-based authentication enhances security
  • Wide range of integration options


  • Learning curve for new users
  • The extensive feature set may be overwhelming for small businesses
  • Customization might necessitate IT expertise

8. Okta Workforce Identity Cloud - Best for workforce-specific solutions

Okta Workforce Identity Cloud dashboard overview
Here's Okta Workforce Identity Cloud's dashboard overview.

Okta Workforce Identity Cloud addresses the unique identity and access management needs of businesses and their employees. With an emphasis on solutions tailored to workforce scenarios, it streamlines the process of identity verification, access control, and security for all workforce members.

Why I Picked Okta Workforce Identity Cloud:

While comparing various tools for identity management, Okta Workforce Identity Cloud caught my attention because of its workforce-centric approach. I chose it because it focuses on solutions designed explicitly for workforce scenarios. Given businesses’ unique challenges in managing their workforce's digital identities, Okta stands out as the most adept for this specialized requirement.

Standout features & integrations:

Okta boasts adaptive multi-factor authentication, centralized access management, and a user-friendly self-service portal. These tools enhance workforce productivity without compromising security. Regarding integrations, Okta smoothly connects with various enterprise applications, including HR systems, VPNs, and other critical business tools.


From $5/user/month (billed annually)


  • Tailored solutions for workforce identity management
  • Centralized access management simplifies administration
  • Vast integration ecosystem with crucial business tools


  • Some advanced features might be available only in higher-tier plans
  • The setup may require technical expertise for complex environments
  • Periodic changes and updates may demand recurrent training for administrators

9. JumpCloud - Best for cross-platform user management

JumpCloud devices activity overview
Here is a tab screenshot of the JumpCloud devices activity overview.

JumpCloud is an efficient Directory-as-a-Service platform that manages users across various systems, applications, and networks. Its emphasis on cross-platform compatibility ensures that businesses can streamline user access across multiple systems regardless of their platform.

Why I Picked JumpCloud:

In determining the right identity management tools, JumpCloud stood out primarily because of its comprehensive cross-platform capability. I chose it because it offers unparalleled versatility in managing users across various operating systems and devices, distinguishing itself from competitors. For businesses that operate on diverse platforms and require coherent user management, JumpCloud emerges as the top choice.

Standout features & integrations:

JumpCloud's features, such as centralized directory services, multi-factor authentication, and device management, offer a holistic approach to user management. Furthermore, it integrates effortlessly with numerous applications and platforms, from Windows and macOS to Linux, as well as SaaS applications and IaaS providers.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive cross-platform support
  • Robust multi-factor authentication enhances security
  • Centralized directory services simplify user management


  • Initial setup might require a bit of a learning curve
  • Custom integrations could be challenging for niche software
  • Some advanced features are restricted to premium plans

10. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) - Best for Amazon ecosystem integration

AWS Identity and Access Management users dashboard
Here's what the AWS Identity and Access Management users dashboard looks like.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and facilitates secure control access to AWS resources. It allows administrators to assign roles, permissions, and policies, ensuring that users and applications have the appropriate access within the Amazon ecosystem.

Why I Picked AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM):

While selecting tools that align with specific ecosystems, AWS IAM consistently appeared as a robust solution. I chose it primarily for its tight integration with the vast range of Amazon services. For businesses deeply rooted in the Amazon ecosystem, AWS IAM is an essential tool for ensuring streamlined and secure access management.

Standout features & integrations:

AWS IAM boasts granular access controls, flexible role-based access management, and multifactor authentication for improved security. More crucially, it offers deep integration with many AWS services, including Amazon S3, EC2, and Redshift, ensuring cohesive identity management within the AWS infrastructure.


Pricing upon request.


  • Deep integration within the AWS ecosystem
  • Flexible role-based access management promotes operational efficiency
  • Multifactor authentication options bolster security


  • Might be complex for those unfamiliar with the AWS platform
  • Lack of direct integrations outside the AWS ecosystem
  • Some features can incur additional costs

11. IBM Security Verify - Best for AI-driven insights

IBM Security Verify password vaulting overview
This is the IBM Security Verify Privilege Vault that provides password vaulting, auditing, and privileged access control.

IBM Security Verify is a comprehensive identity and access management solution that provides businesses with intelligent insights. Leveraging artificial intelligence offers nuanced understandings of user behaviors and risks, aligning perfectly with organizations seeking advanced, data-driven insights for their security needs.

Why I Picked IBM Security Verify:

In my process of choosing the right tools, IBM Security Verify emerged as a leader in AI-driven insights. Among the many solutions available, it stands out due to its deep integration of artificial intelligence, making it adept at understanding user behaviors and potential threats. I firmly believe this tool is the pinnacle for businesses prioritizing AI-driven insights in their identity management strategy.

Standout features & integrations:

IBM Security Verify excels with features like risk-based authentication, adaptive access policies, and fraud detection, all improved by AI. The platform also offers integrations with various enterprise solutions, from cloud services to on-premises applications, ensuring it fits smoothly within various business infrastructures.


Pricing upon request


  • Strong AI-driven risk assessments and insights
  • Versatile integrations with both cloud and on-premises solutions
  • Features such as fraud detection add another layer of security


  • May require a learning curve for those unfamiliar with IBM platforms
  • Pricing structure might be complex for some organizations
  • Some features might be too advanced for smaller businesses

12. Microsoft Entra Verified ID - Best for Microsoft suite compatibility

Microsoft Entra Verified ID identity and access management solutions
This is a demonstration screenshot of how to set up a verified ID with Microsoft Entra Verified ID.

Microsoft Entra Verified ID is an identity verification solution that integrates easily with the extensive Microsoft suite. Tailored to ensure flawless compatibility, it's the optimal choice for businesses relying on Microsoft applications for their daily operations.

Why I Picked Microsoft Entra Verified ID:

Microsoft Entra Verified ID caught my attention during my evaluation process due to its deep integration capabilities with Microsoft's suite of products. Its design specifically for compatibility with Microsoft tools sets it apart from other identity verification solutions. Given this distinct compatibility focus, it is the premier choice for businesses deeply entrenched in the Microsoft ecosystem.

Standout features & integrations:

Microsoft Entra Verified ID boasts multi-factor authentication, secure single sign-on, and adaptive access policies. Additionally, its integrations are primarily centered on Microsoft products, ensuring that tools like Microsoft 365, Azure, and Dynamics 365 work together without hitches.


Pricing upon request


  • Tailored for exceptional compatibility with Microsoft products
  • Secure single sign-on ensures ease of access across tools
  • Multi-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security


  • Might not be the first choice for non-Microsoft-centric businesses
  • Some businesses may find its features too Microsoft-specific
  • Requires a Microsoft ecosystem for optimal utility

Other Noteworthy Identity And Access Management Solutions

  1. Salesforce Platform - Good for CRM-integrated identity solutions
  2. OneLogin - Good for streamlined cloud-based identity management
  3. SailPoint - Good for AI-driven identity governance
  4. Rippling - Good for comprehensive HR and IT management
  5. Frontegg - Good for rapid SaaS application development
  6. Azure ExpressRoute - Good for private Microsoft cloud connectivity
  7. CyberArk Workforce Identity and Access Management (IAM) - Good for securing remote workforce access
  8. Avatier - Good for self-service identity tasks
  9. StrongDM - Good for granular permissions management
  10. Silverfort Unified Identity Protection Platform - Good for multi-environment authentication protection
  11. FusionAuth - Good for customizable identity and access
  12. Ermetic - Good for cloud security analytics
  13. RSA Identity and Access Management - Good for token-based secure access
  14. Oracle Identity and Access Management (IAM) - Good for large-scale enterprise identity needs
  15. BeyondTrust Privileged Access Management - Good for managing privileged accounts
  16. Jumio - Good for online identity verification services

Below is a list of additional identity and access management solutions that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

Selection Criteria for Choosing Identity And Access Management Solutions

Exploring identity and access management tools is crucial to ensure they meet current requirements and scale with an organization's evolving needs. Choosing the best IAM system with specific features is essential, as only a few truly cater to immediate and long-term business needs.

Core Functionality

  • Authentication: Ability to verify user identities through passwords, biometric verification, and multi-factor authentication.
  • Authorization: Assigning specific access rights to various users, ensuring they can access only the resources essential for their roles.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Allows users to access multiple applications with one login credentials.
  • User Lifecycle Management: Streamlining processes such as user provisioning, updating, and de-provisioning.

Key Features

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Allows administrators to restrict system access based on organizational roles, ensuring that only the necessary users have access to specific resources.
  • Policy Enforcement: Implementing, managing, and maintaining access policies, especially in a dynamic environment.
  • Audit Trails and Reporting: Tools should have capabilities to track user activity and generate comprehensive reports, essential for compliance and security checks.
  • Integration with Directory Services: Easy integration with enterprise directory services like Active Directory or LDAP.
  • Federation: Capability to extend and manage identity across domains or different organizations.


  • Intuitive Dashboard: A centralized dashboard that overviews all users, permissions, and activity logs, helping administrators manage access without diving deep into multiple sub-menus.
  • Interactive Visualizations: IAM tools should offer a graphical representation of permissions and access matrices, making it easier for teams to understand and manage.
  • Configurable Role-Based Access: While pre-defined roles can help kickstart the process, the software should allow for custom roles, easily configured as per organizational needs.
  • Responsive Customer Support: Given the critical nature of identity and access, tools should offer rapid customer service, helping resolve issues or clarify doubts in real time.
  • Onboarding Resources: Comprehensive training materials, tutorials, or webinars that can guide new users or help existing users get acquainted with any updates.

Most Common Questions Regarding Identity And Access Management Solutions (FAQs)

What are the primary benefits of using identity and access management solutions?

Identity and access management (IAM) tools can drastically enhance an organization's security and operational efficiency. Some of the standout benefits include:

  1. Improved Security: IAM solutions ensure that only authorized individuals access specific resources, reducing the risk of data breaches.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: With in-built auditing and reporting tools, IAMs help organizations meet compliance requirements related to user access and data security.
  3. Streamlined User Management: Automated user provisioning and de-provisioning save time and reduce administrative overhead.
  4. Single Sign-On: Users can access multiple applications with a single set of credentials, simplifying the login process and improving user experience.
  5. Scalability: These tools are designed to scale, accommodating the addition of users or resources without compromising security.

How much do identity and access management solutions typically cost?

IAM tool pricing can vary widely based on the features offered, the size of the organization, and the vendor's pricing model. Some standard pricing models include:

  • Per User Pricing: Charges are based on the number of users added to the system.
  • Tiered Pricing: Offers different sets of features at various price points.
  • Freemium: Basic features are free, but advanced functionalities are expensive.

The typical range for IAM solutions can start from as low as $2/user/month to over $30/user/month for more comprehensive enterprise solutions.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive software in the market?

Based on general market trends, tools like FusionAuth tend to be on the more affordable end of the spectrum, while enterprise-focused solutions such as CyberArk Workforce Identity and Access Management (IAM) can be on the pricier side.

Are there any free IAM tool options available?

Yes, some tools offer a freemium model where basic features are available for free. FusionAuth, for instance, provides a free community version, though advanced features might require a paid plan. Always ensure to verify the limitations of free versions before committing to ensure they meet your organization's needs.


Selecting the correct identity and access management solution is a pivotal decision that significantly impacts an organization's security and operational efficiency. With myriad options available, it's crucial to discern which tool aligns best with your specific requirements.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Define Your Needs: Before diving into the myriad of IAM options, clearly outline your organizational needs. Whether it's regulatory compliance, streamlined user management, or scalability, your priorities will guide your choice.
  2. Consider Pricing Models: IAM tools vary in pricing – from per-user costs to tiered and freemium models—factor in both your current needs and potential future growth when evaluating cost-effectiveness.
  3. Usability Matters: A tool's feature set is essential, but so is its usability. Ensure that the chosen solution offers an intuitive interface, easy onboarding, and strong customer support to ensure a smooth experience for administrators and end-users.

What do you think?

I've endeavored to provide a comprehensive list of the best available identity and access management solutions. However, the technology landscape is vast and ever-evolving. If you've encountered a tool that deserves mention or have personal experiences with one not covered here, please share it with me. Your insights and recommendations are invaluable in ensuring that my guide remains up-to-date and as informative as possible.

Paulo Gardini Miguel
By Paulo Gardini Miguel

Paulo is the Director of Technology at the rapidly growing media tech company BWZ. Prior to that, he worked as a Software Engineering Manager and then Head Of Technology at Navegg, Latin America’s largest data marketplace, and as Full Stack Engineer at MapLink, which provides geolocation APIs as a service. Paulo draws insight from years of experience serving as an infrastructure architect, team leader, and product developer in rapidly scaling web environments. He’s driven to share his expertise with other technology leaders to help them build great teams, improve performance, optimize resources, and create foundations for scalability.